Get to the root of why your eating feels out of control!

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Find out the real reasons you struggle to consistently stay on track. (Hint: It's not lack of discipline!)

Welcome! Are you ready to start exploring what’s eating away at your willpower? It likely isn't what you think!

Many people think they lack discipline and can’t control their cravings for sweets, carbs or salty foods. We typically encounter a bunch of small emotional triggers we may not realize throughout the day. There is likely a correlation between these triggers and ordering in food when you have something healthy in the fridge, eating a container of ice cream or mindlessly grazing at night.

This workbook outlines the common triggers that lead to eating out of alignment with your goals and will guide you through an exercise to figure out which triggers take you off track most. It will help you get started on your journey to experiencing freedom from food!

From this workbook you'll learn:

  • What you’re really experiencing when you feel like you’re lacking willpower or self-control.
  • One of the main causes that leads you to turn to food, whether that means overindulging, binging or eating out of alignment with your goals.
  • Gain clarity on what works best for you.
  • Get instant access to start regaining control of your eating

    Who's Laura?

    As a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Laura is passionate about helping clients radically transform their relationship with food by getting to the bottom of what leads to self-sabotage and falling off track. Throughout the process of transformation they experience relief and freedom in many areas of their lives including their careers, relationship with food, those around them and most importantly themselves.

    Laura is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) who has supported over 120 clients who know what they should be eating but have a hard time sticking to it by helping them identify the familiar patterns keeping them stuck so they can radically transform their relationship with food.

    She ensures her clients don’t feel deprived by guiding them to make small, incremental changes so the journey is more enjoyable. After successfully losing 60 pounds and working through her own emotional relationship with food, Laura recognizes there are many factors keeping individuals from sticking to what they know works but it’s her mission to help others overcome these factors to become healthier and happier.

    Ready to get back on track for good?

    Schedule a 50-minute Curiosity Call free from shame, guilt and judgment.
    You'll fill me in on your challenges with your relationship with food, gain some insight, and will have a safe space to talk about what's been swirling around in your mind. You'll walk away knowing the steps to create sustainable change (no willpower required)!

    There's absolutely no charge for our first chat.
    Transform your relationship with food!

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    1821 W. Belmont Ave.

    Chicago, IL 60657

    (Doing business in Tribe)

    [email protected]

    Copyright ©️ 2024 Laura B. Folkes, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Users of this website understand that the purpose of this website is not to prescribe or provide health care, medical or nutrition therapy services; or to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body. Users understand that this information is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician-nutritionist, psychologist or other licensed or registered professional, and that any advice given is not meant to take the place of advice by these professionals. No part of this website, or any of its contents, may be reproduced, duplicated, copied, downloaded, stored, further transmitted, transferred or otherwise used without Laura B. Folkes, Inc.’s prior written consent.