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Insights and Tips to help you heal your relationship with food

Two Simple Ways to Keep Your Discipline at Events

Imagine you’re at a social gathering and you walk into a party where you know a couple people but not many. As soon as you walk in the door you make a beeline to the bar and quickly down your first drink. You see the appetizers so you immediately head over and quickly start sampling […]

Reasons You Think About Food More Than You Would Like

Being consumed by the thought of food is not just about thinking about what you’re going to eat from meal to meal. It’s also what I call mental gymnastics around food. Before a meal you might think about what the best choice would be. You’re not 100% sure so you go back and forth about […]

Reasons You Reward Yourself with Food

You walk by the candy bowl at 3:00 and try to resist it but what the heck? After all that you’ve accomplished you think, “I Deserve it!” and grab a handful of chocolate candy. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing “bad” about having a handful of chocolate. What isn’t ideal is when regret and guilt […]

Video 4: How to Keep Willpower Up During the Holidays

During this video series I’m talking about ways to keep your willpower up during the holidays. In the video yesterday I discussed how our desire to fit in with others can overshadow our healthy eating goals. Today I’m sharing some tips and strategies you can use when that arises so you don’t end up saying “Screw it” […]

Video 3: How to Keep Willpower Up During the Holidays

In this video series I’m talking about ways to keep your willpower up during the holidays. In the video yesterday I shared three things you can do if you find yourself to be uncomfortable at a social gathering and therefore obsessively thinking about food and alcohol. In this video I talk about how our desire to fit in […]

Video 1: How to Keep Willpower Up During the Holidays

Thanksgiving was the kick off to the festive holiday season, which can be fun and celebratory, but also stressful and overwhelming at the same time. We are often surrounded by our loved ones as well as some of our favorite foods we only get once a year, leading to temptations and ultimately indulging.

Ways to Avoid the 3:00 Sugar Craving

We’ve all been there before, you’re working away at your desk, the clock strikes 3:00 and all of a sudden a craving hits you that you can’t ignore. You need sugar and you need it now! You either reach for the stash of candy in your desk drawer, find someone who can give you your fix […]

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Chicago, IL 60657

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