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Insights and Tips to help you heal your relationship with food

Breaking the Cycle of Self-Sabotage: Empowered Worth

Check out this interview to learn about the root causes of self-sabotage. Laura also shares the results you can expect by gaining awareness and clarity about your relationship with food. You’ll also hear why many of us turn to diets and how you can make them work for you if you choose to follow one.

A Good Relationship with Food: Advantages to Aging

In this interview, Laura breaks down what it means to have a good relationship with food and explains the cycle that leads to unaligned eating.  She also explains why we have good intentions of doing the “right” thing but don’t actually following through with them.

Emotional Eating + Self-Sabotage: Weight Neutral Nutrition Podcast

Laura and Devyn dive into why we emotionally eat and the root causes of self-sabotage. Listen in for many realizations around the ideas of willpower, control around food, and how we use food as a coping mechanism.

Eat in Alignment with Your Goals: The Self Project Podcast

Kristy and Laura talk about the four triggers that lead to unaligned eating and how emotion gets wrapped up in an inanimate item like food or money and creates stories and beliefs we don’t always realize are there. 

How to Develop a Healthier Relationship with Food: The Real Relationships Show

Tune in to hear why when you reach your goal weight, you still might not feel like you’ve arrived and how our relationships can impact our eating.

Stop Self-Sabotage with Food: Empower Women in Midlife

Learn about the vicious cycle that keeps so many of us stuck in an unhealthy relationship with food, and how to break free of that self-sabotage.

Why We Run Out of Willpower & Eat: She is Fab

In this interview we cover why weight loss is not the main goal from working with me, what transformation looks like for my clients, why we hit capacity for making healthy food choices and tips you can start implementing now when eating out of alignment with your goals.

Our Relationship with Food: Unpacking the Box

Listen in to learn the underlying reasons why we have toxic relationships with food, why we get stuck in a vicious cycle with food, and MORE!

The Real Reason You Feel Out of Control Around Food

When we feel like we’re lacking willpower or discipline around food, it can lead to feeling out of control with our food choices. That can show up by binge eating, stress eating or emotional eating. Do you ever feel like you have a love/hate relationship with food? You love the taste of it and sometimes […]

Food as a Reflection of Our Lives: Our Daily Magic

If you consider yourself to be a perfectionist or overachiever, this episode is for you!

When Mindless Eating isn’t About Lack of Willpower

You wrap up work for the day and start to shift into thinking about what you’re going to make for dinner. If you have kids, you also have to shift from being in the work mindset to the caretaker mindset. You shut your laptop and head straight to the pantry. You’re not really hungry but […]

Getting to the Bottom of Nighttime Eating

How often do you walk by a mirror and cringe? Or, maybe you try to avoid catching glimpses of yourself in mirrors altogether because they make you feel bad. I hear this scenario from many of my clients. One client in particular was feeling fat and wasn’t comfortable in her body. When we first started […]

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Chicago, IL 60657

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