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Insights and Tips to help you heal your relationship with food

What’s Underneath the Fear of Losing Weight

Have you ever had a goal you really wanted to achieve but something held you back from committing and taking action? This was a realization a client recently had. She really wanted to lose weight, knew the steps it would take to make it happen and was finally ready. However, after months of sabotaging her […]

How to Navigate the Office Food Minefield

Working in an office can be one big food minefield from various celebrations, leftover business meals, to the “obligatory” candy bowl on your co-worker’s desk. You start off the day strong with a good breakfast and eat what you brought for lunch. But when you see the free food you just can’t seem to resist […]

A Different Approach for Sustainable Results

When my clients reach out to me for support, they often feel like they’re at a loss of what works for them and their bodies to reach their health, weight and wellness goals. In fact they’re so frustrated and sometimes even feel hopeless after trying many different approaches with short-term success and ending up back […]

Emotional Eating: A Different Perspective

When you think of emotional eating, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? In the traditional sense, many people think it occurs when they’re bored, sad, happy, lonely etc. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be an emotional eater, I encourage you to keep reading as it can apply not only to how […]

The Domino Effect of Depletion

It’s Thursday and you’ve been patiently waiting for the weekend all week long. You stick to your food goals and are strict with yourself Monday through Thursday. As the weekend approaches you look forward to throwing your hands up in the air and taking a free-for-all mindset for the next few days.

Two Simple Ways to Keep Your Discipline at Events

Imagine you’re at a social gathering and you walk into a party where you know a couple people but not many. As soon as you walk in the door you make a beeline to the bar and quickly down your first drink. You see the appetizers so you immediately head over and quickly start sampling […]

Reasons You Think About Food More Than You Would Like

Being consumed by the thought of food is not just about thinking about what you’re going to eat from meal to meal. It’s also what I call mental gymnastics around food. Before a meal you might think about what the best choice would be. You’re not 100% sure so you go back and forth about […]

The Connection Between Stillness, Fear and Mindless Eating

“Stillness is not about focusing on nothingness; it’s about creating a clearing. It’s opening up an emotionally clutter-free space and allowing ourselves to feel and think and dream and question.”

Guest Post: 3 Secrets to Ending Unhealthy Decisions and Improving Your Health

This is a guest post from my colleague, Movement Therapist, Katie Bellamy. Enjoy!  Making good choices, improving decision-making, avoiding indecision… Sometimes these tasks come easily and without much issue. At other times and, likely depending on the context, these tasks can become overwhelming, unbearable, or just annoying, often leading to avoidance and ambivalence.

Why We Sabotage Our Healthy Eating Efforts

One day I was talking to a friend about self-sabotage because it’s a topic that often comes up with my clients. As I was explaining that I wanted to write a blog post about the topic she said, “I’ll start it for you!” because she could relate. Here’s her story and then I’ll get into […]

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Chicago, IL 60657

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